About Us

During pre-war days, coal was very cheap and its supply was far in excess of demand. There was a buyers’ market and the coal consumers as such had hardly any problem or difficulty regarding their supplies. Coal was so cheap and easily available that the consumers were heedless of its economic use and there was no need to have a corporate body of consumers to protect and safeguard their interests.
There was in fact, a sellers’ market with demand for coal far exceeding supply. Misuse of our limited coking coal reserves for non-metallurgical purposes, absence of quality control, ignorance of consumers regarding fuel economy and efficiency measures coupled with unscientific and slaughtered mining causing enormous loss to the nation did not receive sufficient attention without proper representation of the consumers. In these circumstances, Coal Consumers’ Association of India was born on May 17, 1945 under the leadership of Late D.C. Driver of Tata Steel. Several large industrial coal consuming industries like Tata Steel, Indian Iron, Associated Cement and others extended their help and cooperation to provide a common platform to the coal consumers to voice their individual grievances effectively. The points of view of the Coal Consumers which were then channelised through the Association received better attention. Since then the Government started paying heed to their difficulties put forth through the Association. Never in the long history of the Coal Industry before, was the consumer of coal considered important or his voice was hard in the deliberation of vital question regarding production, conservation, price and marketing of coal. This was by every means a great achievement. The Association that started humbly with modest membership of only 22 Coal Consumers had 62 Members within a year of its existence. Thus the Association strengthened its foundation year after year, on which the present edifice stands.
Principal Officers
Mr. Kapil Thapar
- kapil.thapar@rp-sg.in
CESC Limited
CESC House
Chowringhee Square
Kolkata – 700001
Ms. Subhasri Chaudhuri
Secretary General
- sec.ccai@gmail.com
4 India Exchange Place, 7th Floor
Kolkata- 700 001
Mr. Devendra N. Arolkar
Head – Western Chapter
- deven.arolkar@gmail.com
4 India Exchange Place, 7th Floor
Kolkata- 700 001
Mr. Debasish Guha
Lead – Technical
- debasishguha510@gmail.com
4 India Exchange Place, 7th Floor
Kolkata- 700 001

President's Message
Being an industrial association serving since 1945, the Coal Consumers’ Association of India (CCAI), has been relentlessly rendering its valuable services to all the member companies from both Power and Non-power sectors. In recent years the Association has enhanced its services in sync with the evolving market conditions in order to better serve its constituents and plans to further expand and diversify its scope of activities in years to come.
The coal sector in India as well as around the world has gone through a sea-change in the last year with demands of dry fossil fuel increasing manifolds and a revitalized Industrial sector following a major slump during the spread of COVID-19. Globally, the environmental impact of the usage of fossil fuel has been the focal point of discussion but curbs on the supply of natural gas and crude oil in the aftermath of the Russia-Ukraine conflict have brought back the relevance of coal even in many European nations.
In India, production and despatch of coal especially to the Power Sector has achieved unprecedented growth that has helped the nation ensure energy security even amid high power demand. Coal supply to the Industries has also relatively enhanced recently and is expected to increase further in the coming months. Domestic coal production is expected to boost further through the gradual commissioning of the captive and commercial coal blocks which may cater to the demand of coal-consuming sectors. It is also expected that Government initiatives to better the coal evacuation and transportation facilities will be able to match the handsome production growth in coal sector.
As the President of this age-old Association, I invite the generators, industries, business suppliers and service providers at large for handholding as their valuable support and advice would lead the association to scale new heights.