Benefits of Membership
Membership Criteria
- Any individual, firm, company or corporation operating in India and consuming Coal or Coke in any industry or in power generation or transportation shall be eligible for membership of the association.

- The coal related issues and concerns of the member companies are addressed at the CCAI platform and sought redressal from the appropriate Authorities.
- Participate in seminars relating to Coal and disseminate information to consumers at special rate for members only.
- Participate in workshops and training programmes with Coal India, Railway Authorities, Mining Companies and on other topics for interaction and networking with coal consumers.
- Participate in Seminars specially organised for members of the Association to be updated on policies, latest technologies and strategies in coal business.
- Get important information on Coal Policies, Price, Transport tariff and quality parameters of indigenous and imported Coal.
- Provide CCAI Monthly Magazine free of cost for CCAI Members only & non-members with the applicable subscription charges.
- Members can engage consultants empanelled with CCAI as and when required on long term or assignment basis on technical, commercial and other subjects.
- Members can also avail Media support from the Association in order to build a healthy association with the Electronic and print Media and many more.