Circular & Policies
- MoC
- MoR
- MoM
- MoL
- MoEF
- MoP
Coal India Limited
- CIL notice dtd 05.11.2024: Major reforms in NRS Linkage auction tranche VIII & onwards
- CIL notice dtd 14.08.2024: Uniformity of Interest Rates in various coal supply schemes
- CIL notice dtd 12.08.2024: Rationalization of linkages allotted on a nomination basis for CPSE/SPSE consumers of Non-Power sector
- CIL Notice dtd 29.01.2024: Modified model FSA for Shakti Biv– Ann- I
- CIL Notice dtd 29.01.2024: Modified model FSA for Shakti Biv– Ann- II
- CIL Notice dtd 29.01.2024: Modified LOA for Shakti – Ann- III
- WCL Notice dt 22.01.2024: Offer of coal to IPPs beyond ACQ having FSAs with WCL through LOA route for the period Jan’24 to Mar’24.
- CIL Notice dtd 12.01.2024: Scheme document for auction of coal linkage in the cement sub sector under Tranche – VII
- MSTC Notice dtd 03.01.2024: Notice for upfront amount estimated exploration expenses, bid security and fixed amount for auction of coal mines for sale of coal
- CMPDI Notice dtd 12.12.2023: Technical Information on coal blocks under 8th/18th round of round of Auction
- MSTC Notice dtd 25.08.2023: Revised offer schedule for Tranche VI NRS linkage auction for others (non coking) subsector.
- CIL Notice dtd 17.08.2023: Inviting expression of interest from Independent Power Producers for Linkage rationalization.
- CIL Notice dtd 17.08.2023: Inviting expression of interest from Central & Sate Gencos for Linkage rationalization.
- MSTC Notice dtd 08.08.2023: Scheme document for auction of coal linkage in the Others sub sector under Tranche VI NRS linkage auction.
- MSTC Notice dtd 31.07.2023: Scheme document for auction of coal linkage in the CPP sub sector under Tranche VI phase II.
- MSTC Notice dtd 15.07.2023: Scheme documents for Auction of coal linkage of coking coal in the Steel sub sector under tranche VI.
- CIL Notice dtd 25.01.2023: Details of FSAs/Bridge Linkages information as informed/submitted by CIL Subsidiaries (As on 25.1.2023).
- CIL Notice dtd 22.12.2022: CIL E-auction Scheme 2022 for implementation of Single window mode agnostic e-auction Policy (updated as on 22.12.22).
- CIL notice no.473 date 13.12.2022: CIL e-auction scheme 2022 for implementation of single window mode agnostic e auction policy.
- WCL Notice dtd 15.11.2022: Amendment in provision for validity of rakes booked under e-Auction
- CIL Notice dtd 01.11.2022: Modalities for banning/blacklisting of NRS consumers for misutilisation/misdirection of coal
- NCL notice no. 749 date 20.10.2022: Revised modalities of issuance of LC facility to various consumers.
- NCL notice no. 750 date 20.10.2022: Notice regarding option of payment of coal value through issuance LC.
- CIL Notice no. 394 date 22.09.2022: Notification for single window transport mode agnostic e auction.
- CIL Notice no. 417 date 02.09.2022: Pricing of Raw coal having GCV from 1500 Kcal.Kg to 2200 Kcal/Kg.
- CIL Notice no. 346 date 22.08.2022: Execution of single page FSA documents under Shakti B(VIII a) linkage auction.
- CIL notice date 01.08.2022: Scheme document for auction of coal linkage to Power Producer/IPP under Shakti policy.
- CIL Revision in the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) amount in Spot e-auctions
- CIL Pricing of Raw Coal with GCV from 1500 kcal/kg to 2200 kcal/kg as approved by CIL Board
- CIL notice dt. 30.07.2021 - Regarding revision of evacuation facility charges.
- CIL notice dt. 05.05.2021 - Regarding optimization of documents required to be submitted by the bidders for procuring coal under different scheme of e-auction of coal/linkages.
- CIL dt. 05.04.2021 - Regarding revised tripartite agreement.
- CIL notice dt. 15.03.2021 - Regarding empanelment of reputed third party agencies for collection, preparation and analysis of coal samples.
- CIL notice dt. 27.11.2020 - Regarding price notification of all grades of non coking coal produced by coal companies of CIL including NECL.
- CIL order dt. 27.06.2020 - Regarding decision of 231st FDs meeting held on 18.06.2020 on further amendment in the provision of inter-plant transfer of coal to power producers.
- CIL notice dt. 18.04.2020 - Regarding increase in trigger level in the FSA to 80% of ACQ from the existing 75% under FSAs with SEBs/IPPs/Gencos/CPSE PUS for the FY.2020-21.
- CIL order dt. 18.03.2020 - Regarding modalities change in name/control with respect to non-regulated sector FSA.
- CIL - Guidelines for salient features of special spot e-auction scheme 2020 for import substitution (only for coal importers).
- CIL notice dt. 22.02.2019 - Regarding introduction of a new commercial dispute resolution mechanism between CPSEs interse and CPSE(s) and government department(s)/organisation(s) through the administrative mechanism for resolution of CPSEs disputes (AMRCD).
- CIL notice dt. 08.01.2018 - Regarding price notification of all grades of non coking coal produced by coal companies including NECL.
- CIL SOP - For engagement of third party samples by the power utilities/power producers.
- CIL Guidelines for offering mine voids for fly ash disposal.
Ministry of Coal
- MoC office memo dtd 30.10.2024: Final National Coal Index (Base 2017-18) and RP from Apr 2023 to Mar 2024
- MoC office memo dtd 07.10.2024: National Coal Index with Base year 2017-18 (provisional) for the month of Aug’24
- MoC office memo dtd 31.07.2024: National Coal Index with Base year 2017-18 (provisional) for the month of June 2024
- MoC Notice dtd 15.05.2024: Financial Support for Setting up Coal/Lignite Gasification Projects for Government PSUs
- MoC Notice dtd 09.05.2024: National Coal Index with Base year 2017-18 (provisional) for the month of March 2024
- MoC Notice dtd 05.04.2024: National Coal Index with Base year 2017-18 (provisional) for the month of February 2024
- MoC Notice dtd 27.03.2024: Report of the committee constituted for assessment of balance geological coal resources and recoverable coal resources in the country.
- MoC Notice dtd 15.03.2024: Achievements of Ministry of Coal
- MoC Notice dtd 07.03.2024: Strategy Paper on Coal Import Substitution (Inter-Ministerial Committee Report)
- MoC Notice dtd 06.03.2024: Request for Proposal (RFP) Seeking Financial support for setting up Product Based Coal Gasification Plants for the Private Sector as well as Government PSUs.
- MoC Notice dtd 06.03.2024 (2): Request for Proposal (RFP) Seeking Financial support for Demonstration Project (Indigenous technology) and/or Small-Scale Product-Based Plants for setting up the Coal Gasification Project.
- MoC Notice dtd 06.03.2024 (3): Request for Proposal (RFP) Seeking Financial support for setting up Coal Gasification Project for Government PSUs.
- MoC Notice dtd 08.02.2024: Approval of "Scheme for promotion of Coal/Lignite Gasification
- MoC Notice dtd 07.02.2024: Order for CCEA Note for Equity Investment by CIL to form two Joint Ventures (JV) Companies with BHEL and GAIL for undertaking Coal Gasification Projects
- MoC Notice dtd 06.02.2024: National Coal Index with Base year 2017-18 (provisional) for the month of December 2023
- MoC Notice dtd 04.01.2024: National coal index with base year 2017-18 for the month of Oct & Nov’23.
- MoC Notice dtd 02.01.2024: Principles for compensation determination under sec 16 of CMSP act, 2015 for coal blocks which have undergone modification/split or revision.
- MoC Notice dtd 08.11.2023: Extension of time period for submission of 3rd party application for coal sampling.
- MoC Notice dtd 20.10.2023: Meeting of the Standing Linkage Committee (Long-Term for Power Sector
- MoC Notice dtd 29.09.2023: Request For Qualification (RFQ) for empanelment of third-party testing agencies (TPA) for collection, preparation, analysis and documentation of coal samples
- MoC Notice dtd 27.09.2023: Achievements of Ministry of Coal - 9 Year
- MoC Notice dtd 18.09.2023: Additional Agenda Items for the Meeting of the Standing Linkage Committee (Long-Term) for Power Sector
- MoC Notice dtd 13.09.2023: Additional Agenda Items for the Meeting of the Standing Linkage Committee (Long-Term) for Power Sector
- MoC Notice dtd 06.09.2023: Meeting of the Standing Linkage Committee (Long-Term) for Power Sector
- MoC Notice dtd 21.08.2023: Amendment in the constitution of single bench authorities under Sec 30 of Mines and Minerals Act, 1957.
- MoC Notice dtd 17.08.2023: Achievements of Min. of Coal 9 years.
- MoC Notice dtd 05.08.2023: Notice for submission of claims in relation to compensation of schedule in coal mines.
- MoC Notice dtd 13.07.2023: Minutes of the meeting of the Standing Linkage Committee (Long-Term) for Power Sector.
- MoC Notice dtd 19.06.2023: Notice for Submission of Claims in relation to compensation of schedule I coal mines.
- MoC Notice dtd 15.06.2023: Minutes of 52nd Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantee.
- MoC Notice dtd 08.06.2023: Minutes of the meeting of the Standing Linkage Committee (Long-Term) for Power Sector- SLC/LT No. 02/23.
- MoC Notice dtd 01.06.2023: Stakeholders consultation for amendment in Mineral Concessions Rules, 1960 and Notification GSR 349(E) dated 10.05.2012.
- MoC Notice dtd 29.05.2023: National Coal Index with Base year 2017-18(provisional) for the month of April 2023.
- MoC Notice: National Coal index for the Month of March ’23.
- MoC Notice: Scheme document for auction of coal linkage in the Cement sub sector under Tranche VI.
- MoC notice: Minutes of the Standing Linkage committee for Power Sector.
- MoC Notice dtd 29.03.2023: Coal Mines Auctioned to Private Sector in Last Five Years.
- MoC Notice dtd 29.03.2023: National Coal index for the Month of February ’23.
- MoC Update dtd 24.01.2023: Draft Coal Block Allocation (Amendment) Rule, 2023 for Public Consultation.
- MoC Notice dtd 23.01.2023: Grading of lignite.
- MoC notice date 28.12.2022: Year end review 2022.
- MoC no. PSI-38011/1/2022 date 21.12.2022: Forwarding of SOP for preparation, submission and examination of GR.
- MoC Notice dtd 17.11.2022: Meeting of Standing Linkage Committee (Long-term) for Power Sector-SLC (LT) No. 04/22
- MoC Notice dtd 16.11.2022: Technical information regarding coal/lignite blocks under 6th/16th round of auction.
- MoC guidelines MPS/2/2022 date 28.10.2022: Guidelines for the management of mines discontinued/abandoned/closed before the year 2009.
- MoC notice date 14.09.2022: Result of e-auction for commercial coal mines – Day-2
- MoC notice date 13.09.2022: Result of e auction for commercial coal mines – Day-1
- MoC memo no. CPD- 23014/5/2022 date 12.09.2022: Rescheduled of meeting for the standing linkage committee for power sector.
- MoC memo no. CPD-23014/3/2022 date 12.09.2022: Minutes of the meeting of the standing linkage committee for power sector.
- MoC office memo no. CPD-23014/5/2022 date 07.09.2022: Meeting of the standing committee (Long Term) for Power sector.
- MoC notice date 06.09.2022: Notice for the next round of auction, the technical wing of ministry i.e. CMPDIL has shared the details of Coal mines in public domain.
- MoC notice no. 02/2/2022 – STAT date 30.08.2022: Furnishing of comments /suggestions/ observations on the draft national lignite index issued by MoC.
- MoC office memorandum no. 102/3/2017 – NA date 30.08.2022: National coal index with base year 2017-18 for the month of Jul’22.
- MoC: Auction of coal mines for sale of coal
- MoC Notice dtd 14.06.2022: Reforms & Achievements of Ministry of Coal since 2014 (Executive Summary).
- MOC Office Memorendum No. NA-301/1/2021-NA dtd 09.05.2022: Policy granting one-time window to allottee Government companies to surrender non-operational coal mines without penalty.
- MoC office memorandum no. NA/102/3/2017-NA dtd 02.06.2022: National coal index for the month of Apr ’22.
- MoC Update dtd 03.06.2022: Ministry of Coal’s Action Plan for 2022-23.
- MoC office memorandum no. 102/3/2017 date 29.04.2022: National coal index with base year 2017 for the month of Mar’22
- MoC office memorandum no. NA-301/1/2021 date 09.05.2022: Policy granting one time window to allottee Govt. companies to surrender non operational coal mines without penalty
- MoC notice no. CPD-23011/18/2021 date 21.03.2022: Offering of coal by CIL/SCCL through e-auction in the market as well as coal linkage by CIL/SCCL to their own gasification plants
- MoC notice no. 49029/3/2022-LAIR date 07.04.2022: Transactions of land taking place in the intervening period of notification under section 4(1) and section 9(1) of the CBA (A&D) Act,1957
- Gazette notification dt. 29.05.2020 of MoC on Coal mines (special provision) Amendment rules,2020.
- MoC PR dt. 20.05.2020 - Regarding Cabinet approves adoption of methodology for auction of coal and lignite mines/blocks for sale of coal/lignite.
- Gazette notification dt. 18.05.2020 of MoC on coal blocks allocation (Amendment) rules,2020.
- Gazette notification dt. 10.01.2020 of MoC on Mineral laws amendment ordinance 2020.
- MoC dt. 15.05.2018- Regarding methodology for linkage rationalisation for independent power producers (IPPs).
- MoC dt. 27.02.2018- Regarding methodology for auction of coal mine/blocks for sale of coal under coal mine (Special provision) Act,2015.
- MoC dt. 22.09.2017- Regarding methodology to provide the coal block allottee PSUs of power sector with some flexibility in utilisation of coal extracted from the coal mines allotted.
- Gazette notification dt. 13.07.2017 of MoC on Coal blocks allocation rules,2017.
- MoC dt. 15.02.2016- Auction of linkages of Non-regulated sector.
- MoC dt. 08.01.2016 - Regarding methodology for fixing upfront payment and reserve price for allotment of coal mines blocks for sale of coal to PSUs under coal mines (Special provision) Act,2015.
- MoC dt. 06.10.2016- Regarding procedure for submission and approval of mining plan/mine closure plan for the coal and lignite blocks.
- MoC dt. 18.10.2007- Regarding New coal distribution policy.
Ministry of Railways
- MoR circular dtd 15.10.2024: Running of freight trains on CC+8 tonne routes
- MoR circular dtd 20.09.2024: Rates of Port Charges to be collected by V.O. Chidambaranar Port Authority
- MoR circular dtd 06.09.2024: Acceptance of weight provided by Static Weighbridge
- MoR circular dtd 07.08.2024: Liberalised Automatic Freight Rebate Scheme for traffic loaded in Traditional Empty Flow Directions (TEFD)
- MoR circular dtd 07.08.2024: Liberalised Automatic Freight Rebate Scheme for traffic loaded in Traditional Empty Flow Directions (TEFD)
- MoR Notice dtd 25.04.2024: Operation of Merry-Go-Round(MGR) system by Railways
- MoR Notice dtd 12.04.2024: Dispensation from weighment in case of empty containers
- MoR Notice dtd 05.04.2024: Charging freights on through distance basis
- MoR Notice dtd 03.04.2024: Compendium on "Demurrage, Stabling, Wharfage, Stacking, Waiver and Write off"
- MoR Notice dtd 28.03.2024: Procedure to capture weighment details in TMS/FOIS and modification thereof after load adjustment of overloaded wagon
- MoR Notice dtd 07.03.2024: Rate of Stabling Charge
- MoR Notice dtd 29.02.2024: Free time for loading/ unloading of rakes of Coal and Iron Ore-Power to Zone
- MoR Notice dtd 15.02.2024: Cargo Aggregator Transportation Product
- MoR Notice dtd 31.01.2024: Compendium on Weighment of wagons/rake, Exemption from Weighment, Designed Tare Weight of wagons, Procedure to deal with overloaded wagon(s) and Levy of Detention Charge etc.
- MoR Notice dtd 24.01.2024: Reckoning of free time for removal of consignment.
- MoR Notice dtd 18.01.2024: Stacking of consignment in case of inward rakes at group – III terminals.
- MoR Notice dtd 15.01.2024: Running of freight CC+8 tonne routes.
- MoR Notice dtd 08.01.2024: Running of freight trains on CC+8 routes.
- MoR Notice dtd 29.12.2023: Concessional Permissible Carrying Capacity (PCC) of wagons- Steel Pipes.
- MoR Notice dtd 20.12.2023: Notification of Permissible Carrying Capacity (PCC) of various wagons up to one decimal place.
- MoR Notice dtd 12.12.2023: Running of freight trains on CC+8 tonne routes.
- MoR Notice dtd 11.07.2023: All India engine hour cost for recovery of siding and shunting charges.
- MoR Notice dtd 27.04.2023: Free time for loading-unloading of rakes coal and iron ore-power to Zone.
- MoR Notice dtd 31.03.2023: Rebate in freight for traffic transported in privately owned wagons.
- MoR Notice dtd 29.03.2023: Revision of rates of miscellaneous charges.
- MoR Notice dtd 29.03.2023: Running of freight trains on CC+8 Tonnes route.
- MoR Notice dtd 21.03.2023: Rates of terminal charges to be collected by Port Trust Railways directly from customers.
- MoR Notice dtd 20.03.2023: E-way bill for delivery of consignment transported through Railways
- MoR Notice dtd 06.03.2023: Congestion surcharge on Goods Traffic Originating from Ports.
- MoR Notice dtd 17.11.2022: Methodology for pre-payment of Demurrage Charge.
- MoR Notice dtd 10.11.2022: Running of freight trains on CC+8 routes.
- MoR circular no. 3400597 date 20.10.2022: Transportation product – block rake/mini rake/Two point combination etc.
- MoR circular no. 3332083 date 17.10.2022: Wagon registration fee.
- MoR circular no. 3338337 date 14.09.2022: Running of freight train on CC+8 route.
- MoR circular no. 3323670 date 31.08.2022: Hire charges on wagons interchanged.
- MoR guidelines no. 3338890 date 23.08.2022: Guidelines to incentivize utilization of alternate goods shed – diversion fee.
- MoR circular no. 3323420 date 10.08.2022: Notified stations for the purpose of removal of goods without delay from such stations for a period of six months.
- MoR: Notification of PCC etc. of various wagons
- MoR: All India Engine Hour Cost(AIEHC) for recovery of Siding and Shunting Charges
- MoR circular no. 3342227 date 12.05.2022: Regarding e-payment system
- MoR circular no. 3383039 date 15.03.2022: Rail green point (Carbon saving while transportation by Rail
- MoR circular no. 3382093 date 21.03.2022: Revision in rates of punitive charges
- MoR circular no. 3342408 date 31.03.2022: Rates of terminal charges to be collected by port trust Railways directly from customers
- MoR circular no. 3329133 date 31.03.2022: Rebate in freight for traffic transported in privately owned wagons
- MoR notification no. 3316598 date 11.04.2022: Notification of PCC of various wagons
- MoR dt. 26.11.2021-E-payment system.
- MoR dt. 23.11.2021-Running of freight trains on CC+8 routes.
- MoR dt. 22.10.2021-Policy guidelines on Road Trip Traffic (RTT).
- MoR dt. 11.10.2021-Policy guidelines - Transportation products- Two point rake (other than covered wagons) for steel traffic.
- 02. MoR dt. 01.10.2021-Policy guidelines - Transportation products- combining wagon load indents for trainload rake charging.
- MoR dt. 26.09.2021-Guidelines for installation and maintenance of electronic in-motion weighbridge (EIMWB) by private parties.
- MoR dt. 31.08.2021-Hire charges on wagons interchanged.
- MoR dt. 16.08.2021-Debit / credit scheme of demurrage.
- MoR dt. 30.09.2019-Covering loaded wagon with Tarpaulin sheet.
- MoR dt. 28.09.2021-Exemption from mandatory weighment (100%) in case of HR/CR sheet and other steel consignment.
- MoR dt. 07.09.2021-Guidelines regarding provision of weighbridges and weighment of wagon.
- MoR dt. 30.03.2021-Reckoning of free time in case of Krishnapatnam port siding.
- MoR dt. 15.01.2019-Rate of demurrage in the case of coal and/or coke consignment.
- MoR dt. 10.10.2018-Reckoning of free time of rake in the case of unfit/sick wagon found after placement.
- MoR dt. 09.05.2018-Designed tare weight of wagons for fixation of permissible carrying capacity.
- MoR dt. 08.03.2018-Clarification on levy of GST on demurrage/wharfage WRF etc. for transportation of goods by rail.
Ministry of Mines & Rules
- MoM Notice dtd 10.03.2024: draft Offshore Areas Operating Right Rules, 2024
- MoM Notice dtd 22.02.2024: Comments/ suggestions on the draft Offshore Areas Mineral Trust Rules.
- MoM Notice dtd 21.01.2024: Gazette notification for Mineral (Auction) amendment rules, 2024. (49 E)
- MoM Notice dtd 21.01.2024: Gazette notification for Minerals (other than atomic and hydro carbons energy minerals) concession amendment rules, 2024. (50 E)
- MoM Notice dtd 21.01.2024: Gazette notification for Mineral conservation and development (amendment) rules, 2024. (51 E)
- MoM Notice dtd 26.12.2023: Amendment to Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015 for capping the amount of performance security and upfront amount.
- MoM Notice dtd 12.12.2023: Scheme for engagement of notified private exploration agencies in Mineral Exploration of Critical Strategic Minerals
- MoM Notice dtd 13.11.2023: Consultation for amendment of the MCR, 2016
- MoM Notice dtd 12.10.2023: Amendment to the Second Schedule to MMDR Act, 1957
- MoM Notice dtd 03.10.2023: Guidelines for prevention of misclassification of different grades of iron ore and other minerals.
- MoM Notice dtd 01.09.2023: Mineral (Auction) Amendment Rules, 2023
- MoM Notice dtd 25.08.2023: Guidelines for support to Mining Research.
- MoM Notice dtd: 02.06.2023: Consultation on amendment of the Minerals (other than atomic, hydrocarbon energy minerals) Concession Rules, 2016 on the issue of double incidence of Royalty due to inclusion of Royalty in calculation of ASP.
- MoM Notice: Direction under sec 20 A of the MMDR Act, regarding auction of lased mining lease granted under rule 58.
- MoM Notice dtd 09.02.2023: Comments/suggestions on the Amendment of the Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act, 2002.
- MoM Notice dtd 07.02.2023: Comments/suggestions on Additional proposal for amendment to MMDR act, 1957 regarding introducing exploration licence for deep seated minerals and critical minerals.
- Gazette notification dt. 03.11.2021 of MoM on mineral conservation and development (Amendment) rules, 2021.
- Gazette notification dt. 02.11.2021 of MoM on Mineral conservation and development (amendment) third amendment rules,2021.
- MoM notice dt. 07.10.2021 - Regarding amendment of minerals (evidence of mineral contents) rules,2015 and the mineral (auction) rules,2015 for facilitating identification of mineral blocks for auction.
- MoM order dt. 12.08.2021 - Guidelines for notification of accredited private exploration agencies under the second provision to sub section (1) of section 4 of the mines and minerals (Dev and regulation) Act,1957.
- MoM order dt 12.07.2021 - Regarding establishment of a District mineral foundation in every district in the country affected by mining related operation.
- Gazette notification dt. 25.06.2021 of MoM on mines and minerals (contribution to district mineral foundation) amendment rules,2021.
- Gazette notification dt. 18.06.2021 of MoM on Mineral (Auction) second amendment rules,2021.
- MoM notice dt. 06.04.2021 - Regarding constitution of a committee for examining the double calculation of royalty.
- Gazette notification dt. 13.03.2020 of MoM on Minerals laws (Amendment) Act,2020.
- Gazette notification dt. 14.08.2015 of MoM on The national mineral exploration trust.
- Gazette notification dt. 14.08.2015 of MoM on The national mineral exploration trust, rules, 2015.
- MoM notification on amendments in the mines and minerals (Dev and regulation) Act,1957 (2015-2021).
- Gazette notification dt. 13.08.2009 of MoM on Rates of royalty in respect of minerals at item 1 to 9, 11 to 37, 39 to 45 and 47 to 51.
- Gazette notification dt. 14.10.2004 of MoM on Rates of royalty in respect of minerals at item 1 to 10, 12 to 38 and 40 to 51.
- MoM notification on National mineral policy.
- MoM guideline on Model tender document for bidding.
- MoM draft for District mineral foundation trust deed.
Ministry of Environment & Forest
- MoEF Notice dtd 14.03.2024: Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2024
- MoEF Notice dtd 12.03.2024: Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Amendment Rules, 2024
- MoEF Notice dtd 29.01.2024: Draft Certified Environment Audit Notification
- MoEF Notice dtd 31.07.2023: Revised Emission Standards for New Generator Set (Genset).
- MoEF Notice dtd 09.01.2023: Clarification regarding applicability of EIA Notification 2006 for manufacturing organic products from plants through extraction process rather than chemical synthesis.
- MoEF Notice No. CG-DL-E-01062022-236176 dtd 31.05.2022: Draft - Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2022 (Environmental Standards for New Calcined Petroleum Coke (CPU) units).
- MoEF notification no. SO. 2163 (E) date 09.05.2022: Amendment of Public hearing
- MoEF Notice No. F 23/22/2018-HSM dtd 06.05.2022: Re-Constitution of Expert Committee under the Hazardous and other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rule, 2016.
- MoEFCC dt. 11.11.2020-Amendment in environmental clearance for change in coal source by thermal power plants.
- MoEFCC dt. 29.10.2020-Clarification regarding coal transportation by thermal power plants in line with ministry's gazette notification.
- MoEFCC dt. 10.07.2020-Reconstitution order for thermal power and coal mining project.
- MoEFCC dt. 03.12.2019-Physical copies of stage- I and Stage-II approval under Forest ( Conservation) Act,1980
- MoEFCC dt. 05.08.2019-Clarification regarding linear infrastructure (conveyor belt) linked to mining project.
- MoEFCC dt. 08.01.2019-Standardisation of environment clearance. conditions for the non-coal mining sector.
- MoEFCC dt. 09.06.2015-Diversion of forest land for non-forest purpose under the forest (Conservation) Act,1980- processing of proposals in respect of coal blocks whose allocation has been cancelled by the supreme court.
- MoEFCC dt. 05.05.2014-Guidelines for diversion of forest land for non-forest purpose under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.
Ministry of Power
- MoP Notice dtd 14.05.2024: Clarification to Revised Policy for Biomass Utilization for Power Generation through Co-firing in Coal based Power Plants issued on O8.1O.2O21 - reg
- MoP Notice dtd 22.04.2024: Clarification regarding Guidelines for operationalizing optimum utilization of generating stations as per the requirement in the Electricity Grid-reg
- MoP Notice dtd 15.04.2024: Direction to Gas Based Generating Stations (GBSs) under Section 11 of the Electricity Act, 2003
- MoP Notice dtd 03.04. 2024: Constitution of an Independent Thermal Project Monitoring Group (TPMG) for monitoring the execution of Thermal Power Projects, under implementation-reg
- MoP Notice dtd 15.03.2024 (2): Guidelines for coal or lignite based Thermal Power Plants (TPPs) to utilise ash by providing it to the ‘user agencies’ as stipulated in the MoEF&CC Notification dated 31.12.2021 and its subsequent amendments
- MoP Notice dtd 15.03.2024: Methodology for allocation of coal as per provisions of Para B(viii)(a) of SHAKTI Policy of Ministry of Coal
- MoP Notice dtd 04.03.2024: Advisory to all GENCOs including Independent Power Producers (IPPs) for timely Import of Coal for blending purposes and maximizing production in captive coal mines.
- MoP Notice dtd 01.03.2024: Electricity (Late Payment Surcharge and Related Matters) (Amendment) Rules, 2024
- MoP Notice dtd 29.02.2024: Report of the Committee Constituted by MoP to examine different modes of Contracting and restructure relevant provisions of contracts in Hydro Power Sector
- MoP Notice dtd 23.02.204: Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Amendment Rules, 2024
- CEA Notice dtd 24.01.2024: Draft national electricity plan ( Vol – II transmission) stakeholder comments.
- MoP Notice dtd 13.12.2023: Seeking comments on draft Electricity (rights of Consumers) Second Amendment Rules, 2023
- MoP Notice dtd 13.12.2023: Seeing comments on draft Electricity (late payment surcharge and related matters), Amendment Rules, 2023.
- MoP Notice dtd 26.10.2023: Notification Regarding Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO)
- MoP Notice dtd 25.10.2023: Direction to all GENCOs including Independent Power Producers (IPPs) for timely Import of Coal for blending purposes and maximizing production in captive coal mines
- MoP Notice dtd 25.10.2023: Approval of Procedure for Implementation of Uniform Renewable Energy Tariff
- MoP Notice dtd 06.10.2023: Draft Notification on Renewable Generation Obligation
- MoP Notice dtd 02.09.2023: Direction to all GENCOs including Independent Power Producers (IPPs) for timely Import of Coal for blending purposes and maximizing production in captive coal mines
- MoP Notice dtd 02.09.2023: Draft Electricity Distribution (Accounting aspects of Specified Items & Additional Disclosure) Rules, 2023
- MoP Notice dtd 01.09.2023: National Framework for promoting Energy Storage Systems - August 2023
- MoP Notice dt 28.08.2023: Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement of Power from Grid Connected Wind Solar Hybrid Projects dated 21.08.2023
- CEA Notice dtd 18.08.2023: Growth of electricity sector in India from 1947 – 2023.
- MoP Notice dtd 08.08.2023: Amendments in the SBDs for procurement of inter-state transmission services through tariff based competitive bidding process.
- MoP Notice dtd 31.07.2023: Electricity (Second Amendment) Rules, 2023.
- MoP Notice dtd 10.07.2023: RFP notification and RFP Documents for Selection of the Transmission Service Provider for establishing transmission system for “Eastern Region Expansion Scheme-XXXIV
- MoP Notice dtd 05.07.2023: Electricity (Amendment) Rules, 2023.
- MoP Notice dtd 28.06.2023: Proposed reforms in Draft Electricity Amendment Rules, 2023.
- MoP Notice dtd 21.06.2023: Waiver of Inter-State Transmission Charges on transmission of the electricity generated from solar and wind sources of energy under Para 6.4 (6) of the Tariff Policy, 2016 - Consolidated Orders.
- MoP Notice date 09.06.2023: Delegation of power for approval under provision of Section 68 and Section 164 of the Electricity Act, 2003.
- MoP Notice date 29.05.2023: Transmission Scheme for integration of REZ (Phase-II) in Koppal-II (Ph-A & B) and Gadag-II (Ph-A) in Karnataka, allocated to PFCCL to act as BPC to be implemented through TBCB mode.
- MoP Notice date 17.05.2023: Bidding Documents for Procurement of Aggregate Power requirement of Group of States for undertaking tariff based competitive bidding for medium term procurement of Power under para B (v) of Shakti Policy, 2017
- MoP Notice: Scheme for Pooling of Tariff of those plants whose PPAs have expired - reg.
- MoP Notice: Draft electricity (Amendment) Rules,2023.
- MoP Notice: Guidelines to promote development of pump storage project.
- CEA Notice: Draft guidelines for medium and long term power demand forecast.
- MoP Notice dtd 24.03.2023: Notice issued by Chief Secretary to all States/UTs regarding fair distribution of available domestic coal.
- MoP Notice dtd 12.03.2023: Invitation for e-Tender for Procurement of power from Gas Based Power plants by NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited (Nodal Agency).
- MoP Notice dtd 28.02.2023: Supply of Fly-ash to the end-users by power plants to increase fly-ash utilization.
- MoP Notice dtd 27.02.2023: Resolution for Renewable Generation Obligation as per Revised Tariff Policy, 2016.
- MoP Notice dtd 30.01.2023: Electricity (Promoting Renewable Energy Through Green Energy Open Access) Amendment Rules, 2023.
- MoP Notice dtd 04.01.2023: Electricity (Amendment) Rules, 2022.
- MoP Notice dtd 29.12.2022: The Energy Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2022.
- MoP gazette notification no. 26 date 20.12.2022: The Energy Conservation (Amendment) act, 2022.
- MoP order no. 15/2/2022 date 06.12.2022: Supply of Fly Ash to the end users by the power plants to increase fly ash utilization.
- MoP no. 25-10/40/2022 date 05.12.2022: Release of report on transmission system for integration of over 500 GW renewable energy capacity by 2030.
- MoP Notice dtd 15.11.2022: Concept note on pooling of Tariff of 25 years Plus Thermal/Gas generating Stations.
- MoP Notice dtd 02.11.2022: Proposed Draft Amendment in Electricity Rules, 2005 related to Captive Generating Plants.
- MoP gazette notification no. 23/03/2022-R&R date 20.10.2022: Guidelines under section 63 of Electricity Act,2003 for procurement of Power on Finance, Own and Operate (FOO) basis under para B(V) of the shakti policy.
- MoP gazette notification no. GSR. 691 (E) date 08.09.2022: Forums of regulation (Amendment) rules,2022.
- MoP gazette notification no. GSR. 690 (E) date 08.09.2022: Distribution of electricity license (Amendment) Rules, 2022.
- MoP notice no. 10/03/2022 date 26.08.2022: Implementation of the electricity (Late payment surcharge & related matters).
- MoP office memorandum no. 23/05/2020 – R&R date 29.08.2022: Amendments to the guidelines for tariff based competitive bidding process for procurement of Round the clock power from grid connected Renewable energy power projects.
- MoP Notice no. 23/13/2021-(R&R) Part-1 dtd 26.05.2022: Direction under Section 11 to the Generation Companies having Domestic Coal Based plants Supplying Electricity under Section 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003.
- MoP Notice no. F-09/11/2021/-RCM dtd 27.05.2022: Trajectory for replacement of Thermal Energy with about 58,000 MU (30,000 MW) for Renewable Energy 2025-26.
- MoP Notice F-09/11/2021/-RCM-Part-1 dtd 17.06.2022: Nomination of third party for calling the bids for establishment of RE Power Plant under Revised RE bundling Scheme.
- MoP Notice F-11/32/2020/TH-I dtd 24.06.2022: Participation in Expression of Interest (EoI) for setting up a manufacturing zone on pilot basis for power & Renewable Energy Sector.
- MoP notification no. GSR. 306 (E) date 20.04.2022: Electricity (Rights of consumers) Amendment Rule, 2022.
- MoP notification no. 23/13/2021-R&R date 05.05.2022: Direction to generating companies under Sec.11 of the Electricity Act, 2003
- MoP guidelines no. 23/16/2020-R&R Part (I) date 11.03.2022: Guidelines for procurement and utilization of battery storage systems as part of generation, transmission and distribution assets, along with ancillary services
- MoP office memorandum no. 5/1/2021-EC & ET-1 date 08.03.2022: Regarding setting up power foundation
- MoP guidelines date 09.03.2022: Guidelines on planning of communication system for interstate transmission system
- MoP notice no. FU-8/2015-IPC (Vol-V) date 06.04.2022: Methodology for allocation of coal as per provisions of Para B (VIII)(a) covering paraB(III) of shakti policy of MOC amended as per para 2.1 (a) of HLEC recommendation
- MoP notice no. 11/86/2017-Th.II date 07.04.2022: Revised policy of MOP for Biomass utilization in Power generation through co-firing in coal based Fluidized bed Boilers
- MoP notice no. 11/86/2017-Th.II-(Part-II) date 02.03.2022: Model contract for use of biomass in Thermal Power Plants (TPPs)